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10 Skills You Develop As a Camp Counselor

10 Skills You Develop As a Camp Counselor

Monday, 06 February 2023 10:45

Being a camp counselor is more than just a summer job. It is a rewarding and challenging experience that allows you to make a positive impact on the lives of children and young adults while also developing a range of valuable skills. 


As a camp counselor, you will have the opportunity to lead and guide a group of campers, plan and facilitate activities, and create a supportive and inclusive environment. You will also be responsible for the safety and well-being of your campers, which requires strong leadership skills and emotional intelligence. 

Working as a camp counselor can be physically and emotionally demanding, but it is a worthwhile way to spend your summer because of the opportunities you will have to make a difference, make lasting memories, and form lifelong friendships.

What Skills Do Camp Counselors Gain?

Working at camp is an investment in your personal and professional growth. From leadership and communication to adaptability and emotional intelligence, being a camp counselor will help you grow in ways you could never have imagined. Here are ten skills you will develop as a camp counselor:

1. Leadership

As a camp counselor, you are responsible for the well-being and development of a group of children or young adults. You will serve as their role model, mentor, and teacher. This requires strong leadership skills, including the ability to set boundaries, manage conflict, and provide guidance and support.

2. Communication

Effective communication is essential for building relationships with campers, fellow staff, parents, and camp directors, as well as for ensuring the smooth operation of the camp. As a camp counselor, you will learn to communicate clearly, listen actively, and adapt your communication style to different situations and audiences.

3. Problem-Solving 

Camp life can be unpredictable, and as a camp counselor, you will often be called upon to think on your toes and solve problems as they arise. This could range from dealing with homesickness to entertaining your cabin group when bad weather hits to managing a difficult group dynamic.

4. Adaptability

Camp counselors will often find themselves dealing with unexpected challenges and sudden changes in plans. As such, you will learn to adapt quickly in all different situations and roll with the punches while still maintaining a positive and supportive attitude.

5. Time Management

There are a number of responsibilities that are put on camp counselors, including planning and leading activities, supervising campers, completing administrative tasks, and ensuring campers have the best experience possible. Time management skills are essential for ensuring that everything gets done and that camp runs smoothly.

6. Teamwork

Camp counselors work closely with other staff members to create a positive and supportive camp environment for all. As a camp counselor, you will learn to collaborate with others, delegate tasks, and contribute to a common goal of positively impacting the lives of young people.

7. Creativity

Camp is a place for fun and creativity, and as a camp counselor, you will have the opportunity to use your creativity to plan activities, be your best self, and create memorable experiences for campers.

8. Emotional Intelligence

Camp can be an emotionally charged environment, with campers and staff alike experiencing a range of emotions. As a camp counselor, you will learn to recognize and manage your own emotions, as well as those of others, in a healthy and effective way.

9. Conflict Resolution

Disagreements and conflicts are a natural part of camp life, and as a camp counselor, you will be called upon to mediate and resolve conflicts in a fair and constructive way. 

Since you will be working closely with your peers and living in close proximity for several weeks, conflict is inevitable. You will learn how to best handle these issues when they arise and how to do so without negatively impacting the experience of the campers.

10. Patience

Working with children and young adults can be rewarding but also challenging at times. As a camp counselor, you will learn to be patient and understanding, even when faced with difficult behavior or frustrating situations.

Spend Your Summer at Tekoa Foothills 

Overall, being a camp counselor is a fantastic opportunity to develop a wide range of skills that will boost your resume and help you as you market yourself to potential employers. They translate well to every field and to everyday life. 

Tekoa Foothills summer employment opportunities are unlike any other. Our mission at Camp Tekoa Foothills is "Touching Hearts, Changing Lives, and Sharing the Light of Christ." Through fun programming and outdoor ministry, our staff members are able to fulfill our mission and make a difference in many campers' lives.

As a staff member at Camp Tekoa Foothills, you will gain a tremendous amount of leadership experience, explore and share your faith with campers of all ages, and make friendships that will last a lifetime. We encourage you to take the time to explore our website and contact us if you have any questions regarding our summer employment opportunities.